How to Find a Last Will and Testament Easily

Finding a last will and testament can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. The best way to view the will is to get the probate court file number. This can be done by contacting the executor of the will, or by accessing the file number by phone, online, or in person at the court. You can also visit the probate court during business hours and provide the name and date of death of the deceased person, or the probate case number if found, and request the probate file.

If you want to review the will at home, ask the court clerk for a copy and pay a per-page fee. It is important to note that whoever takes possession of the will has a legal responsibility to promptly deliver it to the local probate court. Many people keep their wills in their safe deposit box, but this is usually not recommended as it can be difficult for anyone else to gain access if the deceased person was the sole owner. If you are an immediate family member, however, you may be able to open the box in the presence of a bank official and seek out the will.

If you think that a lawyer wrote the will, you can contact them directly or look for payments to a lawyer or law firm in the deceased person's checkbook. It is also possible that the deceased person may have filed the will with the local probate court. No matter what method you use to find a last will and testament, it is important to remember that altering judicial property constitutes a serious crime. Therefore, it is important to take all necessary precautions when searching for and handling a last will and testament.