What is Last Will and Testament in the Philippines?

Yes, a will and testament are legally binding and valid if they are executed according to the formalities required by law. This document outlines the final wishes of a person regarding the properties they will leave behind. It clearly states who will receive their belongings, and how and who will make it possible. In probate proceedings, the court's jurisdiction refers to the extrinsic validity of a particular last will and testament.

If all of the necessary facts are not established, the will cannot be proven. If there is a concern about a will that is not notarized, it is important to ask if it is a holographic or notarial will. A lawyer of last will and testament can help guide the testator in its preparation in accordance with Philippine law. The cost of making a will ranges from Php 5,000 to Php 10,000 or more, depending on its complexity.

The last will and testament should be tested in the municipality or city of the testator's permanent residence. The last will and testament are valid until the testator revokes them before their death. Any other wills or testamentary dispositions made prior to this Last Will and Testament are revoked, annulled and rendered void. A holographic last will and testament shall be considered void after death.